SparQ Projects
This is some text
This is a catalog of my various projects. This is organized by source language, and within the source language into Libraries and Applications, listed alphabetically.
Table of Contents
1 Haskell
These days I do a lot of writing my own code in Haskell. I used to write a lot of Python code, which was fast and easy, but I've come to appreciate the power and safety of a strong typing system, and I find writing Haskell to be both fun and a good intellectual challenge.
1.1 Libraries
- Footing
A collection of various low-level things I commonly use in other applications. These are mostly little convenience functions, nothing all that grand or unique.
License BSD3 VCS darcs get Language Haskell Docs Footing Haddock API Docs Updated a long time ago
- fsops
is a library of miscellaneous filesystem-related operations. I wrote this some time ago and there have been various other file operations libraries uploaded to Hackage, so consider this deprecated.
License BSD3 VCS darcs get Language Haskell Docs FSOps Haddock API Docs Updated a long time ago
- ItemField
- A library built on the vty-ui package that provides a
selector field for a potentially large number of
items. Each item is represented by a single
character in the field, and the arrow keys and space
bar can be used to move around and mark/unmark
individual items. There are other display
capabilities and operator keys available, but this is
meant to be a high-density user-selection utility for
situations where a list or radio-box group or similar
interaction element is insufficient to handle the
number of items potentially involved.
License BSD3 VCS darcs get Language Haskell Docs TBD… Updated Early 2013
- OnRmt
- is a Haskell library providing a vty-ui based gui (using
the ItemSelector library) for performing operations on
remote nodes via ssh.
License BSD3 VCS darcs get Language Haskell Docs TBD… Updated Early 2013
- Para
- A utility to do paragraph formatting of text while
honoring lists and other formatting elements. This
library is convenient for displaying the help output of an
application with sensitivity to terminal width sizing.
License BSD3 VCS darcs get Language Haskell Docs Para Haddock API Docs External Para on Hackage Updated 2010
- TDisplay
- The TDisplay project is a Haskell library providing
"Tagged Data Display" capabilities whereby individual
output components can have one or more "Tags" and also
be grouped heirarchically to provide more useful
information to the "View"/"Display" component.
This is still very much a concept/work-in-progress.
License BSD3 VCS darcs get Language Haskell Docs TDisplay Haddock API Docs Updated a long time ago
1.2 Applications
- cabal-progdeps
- This utility can be used to display the version
dependency information for the program being
built in the current directory. Essentially it
parses the dist/setup-config and displays the
information in a readable format. This can be
very helpful when adding version constraints to
your package's dependencies in that it shows
what your package is currently built (or
configured to be built) with.
n.b. It's called "progdeps" instead of "pkgdeps" because it's examining the build information in the current directory and not actual packages.
License BSD3 VCS fossil clone Language Haskell Docs TBD… Updated 2012
- ghc-pkg-check
- This utility can be used to verify the version of
an installed package against version constraints.
The version constraints can be specified in
typical cabal fashion (e.g. >= 8.3, == 0.9.*, >=
8.3 && < 9.0).
cabalvchk package-name version-constraints [verbose]
Note that the version-constraints will probably need to be enclosed in single-quotes to prevent the shell from interpreting characters in the specification.
One use of this utility is by external configuration/validation utilities (e.g. autoconf) to verify installed package versions without running a cabal build. This utility produces no output (unless a third argument is specified) and the return value is 0 if the constraints are met or non-zero if the constraints are not met (including if the package is not installed).
License BSD3 VCS fossil clone Language Haskell Docs TBD… Updated 2012
That's all.